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    S.No Advantages
    1 Strategically located in the south-eastern coast of India
    2 Known as gateway to East and South East Asia
    3 Longest coastline in the country with a length of 974 kms
    4 Good Governance and visionary Leadership
    5 GoI selected AP as a Model State for 24X7 power supply to industrial units
    6 Biggest Land Bank among all the States in India
    7 Government provides reliable title over land made available by it
    8 Land available for sale or lease
    9 Government facilitates procurement of land for prospective investors from private parties, if necessary.
    10 Most affordable land prices among all States in India
    11 Stamp Duty and Registration Fee waiver on land purchase as incentive to set up industry.
    12 Government provides supporting infrastructure to major investors who procure land outside existing industrial parks.
    13 Transparent online system for land allotment
    14 APIIC identifies potential sites for industrial areas and procures land for industrial parks.
    15 APIIC develops and maintains industrial parks, SEZs, Industrial Clusters
    16 APIIC acts as Nodal agency for Industrial infrastructure development
    17 APIIC creates Local Authority for each industrial park for self-governance.
    18 Proactive policies ensures a good investment climate for investors
    19 Single desk system for quick industrial clearances within 21 days
    20 Bountiful natural resources
    21 3 deep draft ports – Visakhapatnam, Gangavaram and Krishnapatnam
    22 Water resources – 4 major rivers in the state (Krishna, Godavari, Penna and Tungabadra)
    23 Visakhapatnam – Amongst the top growing cities in the country; Set to be one of the first smart cities in the country
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